Thanks so much, Shondra...I think this poem has been brewing in some corner of my head ever since the idea of a poetry museum came to me. I don't know what triggered it, but am grateful! So glad you liked the poem...hopefully there will be a museum somewhere, someday!! :)
"She shivered. Screamed." I wonder if this was the point she realized she wouldn't find the poem she sought? The tour of the museum is wonder-full, frightening. Maybe the poem she's seeking is in the last room of mirrors? Maybe a museum can't contain it at all: "Outside, unseen, a crow flew over the / museum, a half-moon still in its beak." Poets do tend to get lost in the museums of the greats.
Thank you, Susan...I love how you've imagined the different possibilities! A museum of poetry can't contain it all... indeed...but it will be a giant hall of mirrors as the poems reflect the readers' minds! All a little surreal, but am hopeful there will be such a museum some day!!!! :)
This is an excruciatingly gorgeous concept, wonderfully realised in words. I might just wander through those rooms in my dreams tonight. I do so comprehensively love the idea. (And not because of your very kind reference to my poem - but thankyou for that too).
It occurs to me - as I consider ordinary people walking through a little museum of poetry - that Poets are just people walking through the massive museum of reality; as large as a universe. We pause, we observe, we see strange connections and symmetries, beauty and its obverse, evil and good.
Let's create a poetry museum! This is brilliant. I love the thought of the poetry museum as you describe it in your prose. Framed words and the words of the poet floating into the air, the visitors sitting on long benches, the experience!
I so want to do it!! Now to get all the stars to align and make it happen!! I think the experience should be this is an experience for all senses and you will come out, if not transformed, a little different!
Thanks so much, Nazish...I think some version of this poem has been in my head for a long time. Recently, sitting by the sea, I realized it was done, ready to go. The sea had given me the ending.
Oh, is there anything one cannot get while sitting by the sea! I am kind of obsessive about it and you just opened a can of sea and I wouldn't shut up now lol. But really, a beautiful, beautiful poem 🩷
This realization has been with me for a long time, but this particular articulation is so powerful. It’s going to stay with me, Rajani. Thank you for the gift.
A wonderful concept - a poem museum. Our village boasts a surprising number of poets and writers, and our Poet Laureate has proposed an event that features poems written about local art in the community. Pretty cool. I especially love your opening stanza, and the closing lines, the crow with the moon in its beak.
Thank you, Sherry. And that is such a great idea to promote both local art and poetry...more communities should do it!!! I hope the art and poetry get displayed together!
I like this idea. I don't take the subway much any more, but there used to be a project "Poetry in Motion" where instead of an advertisement they would put up an illustrated poem in the cars. It always made the ride better. And some subway stations have poetic quotes on the walls. But a museum! It could go anywhere and everywhere.
Poetry on trains is brilliant... I read somewhere about sidewalk poetry too...I hope someone with the means puts together a museum as well :) Thanks so much, K.
A museum of poetry or museums of poetry popping up in empty storefronts, antechambers, cafes, church halls, school foyers, bookstore corners... start small, temporary, then expand to permanent place. Beautiful concept. Thoroughly enjoyed your lovely poem.
Wow. Beautiful and the thought of a museum of poetry made me feel all giddy!
Thanks so much, Shondra...I think this poem has been brewing in some corner of my head ever since the idea of a poetry museum came to me. I don't know what triggered it, but am grateful! So glad you liked the poem...hopefully there will be a museum somewhere, someday!! :)
I know! I so love the concept. ❤️
"She shivered. Screamed." I wonder if this was the point she realized she wouldn't find the poem she sought? The tour of the museum is wonder-full, frightening. Maybe the poem she's seeking is in the last room of mirrors? Maybe a museum can't contain it at all: "Outside, unseen, a crow flew over the / museum, a half-moon still in its beak." Poets do tend to get lost in the museums of the greats.
Thank you, Susan...I love how you've imagined the different possibilities! A museum of poetry can't contain it all... indeed...but it will be a giant hall of mirrors as the poems reflect the readers' minds! All a little surreal, but am hopeful there will be such a museum some day!!!! :)
Friend Rajani....
This is an excruciatingly gorgeous concept, wonderfully realised in words. I might just wander through those rooms in my dreams tonight. I do so comprehensively love the idea. (And not because of your very kind reference to my poem - but thankyou for that too).
It occurs to me - as I consider ordinary people walking through a little museum of poetry - that Poets are just people walking through the massive museum of reality; as large as a universe. We pause, we observe, we see strange connections and symmetries, beauty and its obverse, evil and good.
Then we report.
Thank you, David. So glad you like the idea - I do hope someone will build one and more people can see the world the way poets see it !!
A delightful image rajani. Made my day!
Thanks so much, Tio Stib. So glad you liked it. And lovely to see you on Substack!
Let's create a poetry museum! This is brilliant. I love the thought of the poetry museum as you describe it in your prose. Framed words and the words of the poet floating into the air, the visitors sitting on long benches, the experience!
I so want to do it!! Now to get all the stars to align and make it happen!! I think the experience should be this is an experience for all senses and you will come out, if not transformed, a little different!
Beautiful construction ,Rajani. Loved the rich imagery.
Thanks so much, Nazish...I think some version of this poem has been in my head for a long time. Recently, sitting by the sea, I realized it was done, ready to go. The sea had given me the ending.
Oh, is there anything one cannot get while sitting by the sea! I am kind of obsessive about it and you just opened a can of sea and I wouldn't shut up now lol. But really, a beautiful, beautiful poem 🩷
He he.. Agree! I am a bit obsessed about the sea too...and you need to copyright Can of Sea because that is the perfect description!
“How much of not-telling
is just screaming into a silence?”
This realization has been with me for a long time, but this particular articulation is so powerful. It’s going to stay with me, Rajani. Thank you for the gift.
Thanks so much, Mahdi. What we don't (can't?) say in our poems are complete poems in themselves...if only someone could read them!
A wonderful concept - a poem museum. Our village boasts a surprising number of poets and writers, and our Poet Laureate has proposed an event that features poems written about local art in the community. Pretty cool. I especially love your opening stanza, and the closing lines, the crow with the moon in its beak.
Thank you, Sherry. And that is such a great idea to promote both local art and poetry...more communities should do it!!! I hope the art and poetry get displayed together!
Beautiful poem to read and imagine, a museum of poetry would be se lovely!
Thank you, Mirjana... I also imagine it would be a fantastic experience!!!!
I especially love the ending.
Thanks so much, Martha. The sea gave me that ending...I was thinking about the poem sitting on the beach...and there were the two lines I needed!
I like this idea. I don't take the subway much any more, but there used to be a project "Poetry in Motion" where instead of an advertisement they would put up an illustrated poem in the cars. It always made the ride better. And some subway stations have poetic quotes on the walls. But a museum! It could go anywhere and everywhere.
Poetry on trains is brilliant... I read somewhere about sidewalk poetry too...I hope someone with the means puts together a museum as well :) Thanks so much, K.
Wow, Rajani. You just gave poetry lovers a beautiful mission to hold on to. One day, perhaps.
She held a line in her
mouth for a moment. Felt the abrasion. Felt the
melt of horizon and cursive angst.
Love these lines!
Thank you, Sonia. One day!! And glad you picked those lines!
What a wonderful thought Raj, a museum of poetry - hopefully in our lifetime !
Thank you... hopefully.
A museum of poetry or museums of poetry popping up in empty storefronts, antechambers, cafes, church halls, school foyers, bookstore corners... start small, temporary, then expand to permanent place. Beautiful concept. Thoroughly enjoyed your lovely poem.
Oh how wonderful it would be...little pop-up galleries of poetry!! I do hope so! Thank you, Nina!!